Women United


KaityWomen's Wisdom Speaker Series - Tuesday August 27 - 5:15 p.m. at the Logan County Library Knowlton Branch
Kaity Overmyer, the owner of Eden Haus, is our next speaker in the Women’s Wisdom Speaker Series. 

Her love for plants started approximately four to five years ago as a way of managing her stress. Prior to opening Eden Haus she worked as a Social Worker, and most recently as a caseworker for Children Services. She found plants provided that grounding experience and mental clarity after a long day of work. She made the decision to open Eden Haus, alongside her family, as a way of sharing her passion with others, and teaching others the therapeutic benefits of taking care of Houseplants. 

Kaity will be sharing more about her story and also teaching a class on plant propagation. 

This evening promises to be informative, relaxing and fun as we learn from Kaity! There will be a fee of $25.00 to cover the cost of the class. Spots are limited so please let me know if you are planning to attend and consider inviting a friend to come with you! 




Pumpkin Pottery Class with Thelma - Tuesday September 5 and 19 - 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. at the Cracked Pot Studio
Back by popular demand, we will be making pumpkins with Thelma Matthews at the Cracked Pot Studio! Last year’s attendees enjoyed it so much, they requested it again for this fall! Registration is required and the cost of the class will be $60. During this class, you will be able to create two pumpkins. This is a two-part class; we will make the pumpkins on September 5th, and come back to glaze them on September 19th.




Women's Wisdom Speaker Series with Rebecca King-Craig - Wednesday September 11 - 8:30 a.m. at Marie's Candies in West Liberty
Rebecca King-Craig of Marie’s Candies will be presenting as part of the Women’s Wisdom Speaker Series in September. She will be sharing the history of Marie’s, what her role is and what inspires her.  Rebecca is one of the owners of Marie's Candies, who grew up working in her family’s oh-so-sweet business. After going away to college and working for three years in Columbus, she returned to Marie’s in 2002. She spent 14 years as an assistant to her parents, who owned Marie's from 1976 until 2016.  

One of her favorite things to do is put together a theme for an upcoming holiday. She really enjoys choosing and coordinating the gift wrap, gift containers, and candy that will become a display in their store. The job isn't without challenges, but she’s learned from the two generations before her, to work hard and rely on God. 

There is no cost to attend, but spots are limited so please RSVP! You can let me know you are coming by emailing me at becca@uwlogan.org. This is sure to be a great time, plus there will be chocolate! Friendship and chocolate, can it get any better than that?




Women's Wisdom Speaker Series with Hannah Hawke and Suzanne Beach - Thursday October 24 - 5:15 p.m.
at Mary Rutan Health Center Conference Room (1134 N. Main St. Bellefontaine)

We will be featuring the dynamic duo of Hannah Hawke and Suzanne Beach of Mary Rutan Hospital Therapy and Sports Medicine for our Women’s Wisdom Speaker series. They will both be sharing their own personal stories; where they came from, what are they doing now and where they are headed. Both of their stories will inspire and are a true testament to hard work and resilience. More information to follow.


Women United

We know that there is a huge demand on your time and all of your resources.  Sometimes making it through the day is all the success you can claim—and that should NEVER be minimized!

The common denominator of what seems to be missing is kindness, companionship and encouragement.  We can all use a little more of these in our lives.  Every. Single. Day.

With these thoughts in mind, this is the direction that we are steering Women United and we want you to be part of all the great things we have planned.

Women’s Wisdom Speaker Series is a once a month event that allows us to gather to learn our presenters story.  This is an opportunity for women to share their dreams, their journey and the challenges that got them to today.  Often bringing out the emotions, it's a time for us to relate with our similarities and for us to encourage each other in our own personal journey.  Days and times vary based on the presenter, location and in hopes that we can make the Speaker Series available to many members.

What about those things that you have always wanted to learn to do, but just never took the time. We have paddle boarding, more pottery, cookie decorating, archery and more coming up.  Something you want to try or learn?  Let us know.  Your suggestion may be the next event in the works! 

Then take what you have learned a bit further and share what you learned, made or created with someone else.  A shut-in, a struggling momma, an overworked friend, or someone that is just having challenges getting through the day.  We reach out, we share what we can and we help make things a little brighter by showing we care.  

We have incredible resources in our area.  We have amazingly talented individuals.  If we put our strengths together, we can make an impact that we are only beginning to imagine.

Want to be part of planning, outreach and our new approach?   We would love to hear from you! .  Share your thoughts, your ideas, your talent connection and let us know what you think of this vision for WU!